what a wild ride! but he's here😍

Saturday morning my water finally broke and labor started immediately! Made our way to the birth center, but after a day of constant contractions one right on top of the other I decided to go to the hospital and get an epidural. I AM SO GLAD I DID! guys, epidurals are AMAZING. 😂 I got some much needed rest and woke up 9 cm dilated, was told I would be pushing in about an hour so I went back to sleep. I woke up to my midwife and nurses in the room telling me to roll over because my baby's heart rate spiked to 210! Nothing was helping so they decided to do a c section. My poor husband was so nervous and freaked out because it happened so fast! I was calm but I think that's because I could feel him moving so I knew it was ok! So finally at 1:36 on 1/29/17 our baby boy arrived! 
Even though that definitely wasn't how I thought it would go, it was still amazing!