Granular tissue

Shasta • Mommy to 3 y.o. daughter, Rylie and newborn daughter Taryn.
I'm just now 6 weeks pp and am still having vaginal pain from childbirth (vbac, ended up with 2nd degree tear). I went in last week because out of nowhere it was burning at the tear site when urine would get on it. Turns out, I had granular tissue that didn't have anywhere to go so they burned it off with silver nitrate. Spent all weekend in worse pain than I ever was after giving birth to my daughter and it looks like they missed some of the granular tissue. I go in for my 6 week check up on Tuesday and I'm just so livid that I might have to go through another round of them burning off tissue and days of intense pain before I get better. I should have just had another damn C-section....