Husband is getting crazy hobby ideas!

Jessica • jbyrer
Okay ladies, please let me know if I'm the only one! My husband and I live a simple life, he is in the Navy and I'm a bartender. We lost a baby early last year and tried all year long to get pregnant. We got a dog, we have always enjoyed our time at home. We found out I was pregnant again on new years <a href="">eve</a> and we were both ecstatic! Now I'm almost 9 weeks, and he is starting to get all these crazy hobbies he wants to start now, things he never showed interest in before. First he wanted to buoy computers, then he said he wanted to start wood working and get a shop, bow he is saying he is wanting to self teach himself how to make his own shoes! These crazy ideas are coming out of nowhere and I can't help but wonder if he is getting freaked about having a baby finally, and is trying to find these crazy things to take his time that don't have to do with babies. He says he wants to do something with his hands, and I understand that. But I won't be working past month 7, and our baby is due in September, and we are possibly moving by August, and it's just not the time to have these crazy ideas! Is he having a quarter life crisis because he is becoming a dad, and have any of your husband's ever gone through something like this before?? I don't want him to think I'm crushing his dreams. But it's just not realistic right now.