When My False Alarm Wasn't FALSE At All 😳‼️

Jakaya 💋 • 11316 ❤️👨‍👩‍👧 Is When My Family Became COMPLETE ✨
I Was 39 Weeks Pregnant exactly on Wednesday (November 2, 2016) I woke up that morning to a puddle in my sheets & I automatically had a feeling that my water broke, but was in denial. I told my boyfriend to still go to work because we had so many false alarms and I told him to come if anything changed. So I went to the hospital with my mother and they checked my cervix and told me I was still 1cm and they Checked my amniotic fluid and told me my water did not break 😒😔 I was so upset because I really felt like I was in the process of Labor. So they sent me home while I was still cramping On and Off and I took a nap. I woke up Going about my normal day and than me and my boyfriend went to sleep later that night Around 9 . About an hour into sleeping I woke up to the worst cramps ever and was hitting my Boyfriend in the back, crying. The pains were about 30-45 Minutes Apart and they just kept getting closer and closer together to about every 5 minutes and that's when I knew something wasn't right and needed to go to the hospital. Luckily, me and my boyfriend Live about 10 minutes from the hospital, but he got there in 5 minutes since I was literally screaming in pain !! So we arrive at the hospital around 12 midnight and they hooked me up to a monitor to check baby's heartbeat and checked my cervix, turns out I was 3 cm dilated and was in active labor and turned out My water did break earlier 😳 They told me to walk around the hospital for about two hours to dilate more. So me and my boyfriend called everybody and told everybody it was time and I was in labor and my mom and brother came up to the hospital to walk around with me and my boyfriend to help me dilate. I couldn't walk for the whole two hours because the pain got so worse and around 2 a.m they checked me again and I was 6 cm Dilated. They had to rush to get me hooked to an IV because I wasn't taking the pain well at all AND WANTED THE EPIDURAL BADLY, but suddenly baby's heart rate went down. We Was all in panic and shock because I feared that she would be stillborn. So they gave me an ultrasound and turns out she switched positions AT THE LAST MINUTE and wasn't head down anymore. I already knew I had to get a C Section because she was breech and her heart rate was going down. I was upset because I was dilating Fast As Hell and was only in labor for about  6 hours. So they prep me for the c Section and gave me the Epidural and I thought I was able to take a nap because they told me my doctor couldn't come at that time and he would come at 8 so I was fine and content with that but he showed up earlier around 6:30 a.m and that's when we got everything rolling. My Boyfriend put on his gear and they wheeled me in the surgical room. I Heard a lot of suction going on and I was high off the medicine they were giving me and At around 7:06 a.m (Thursday November 3, 2016) I Heard my doctor say HAPPY BIRHDAY &. Heard my daughter first cries. Tears of joy Came down me and my boyfriend's face &. Instantly he got attached to her and followed her everywhere the doctor's took her. It was really Love at first sight ❤️👶🏽 I thank God everyday for her because the 10 hours of labor was well worth it . 6 Pounds , 1 ounce , 19 inches ... Welcome to the world Milani, mommy and daddy love you