water ruptured@31 weeks

Well I'm stuck back in "jail" lol atleast this time I'm not confined to bed and I had a nice 3 week vacation at home between hospital stays. Since everything we were doing was to try to keep my water from breaking, now that it has I am allowed to get up, walk around, and shower normally! Still no contractions or dilation past 1cm so they have me on antibiotics and we will wait it out. If my sweet baby girl doesn't come on her own (or go into distress) before 34 weeks then they will induce me and get her out of there. So I'm officially not apart of the March group anymore I guess. My due date is now Feb 17th if she makes if that far. The NeoNatal Dr is fairly confident that she won't have much complications since she had two rounds of steroids at 23 and 25 weeks and is measuring around 4lbs. It took 5 years to have this baby and she is gunna make me work for it up until the day we have her 😅