My delivery


Sorry a little long

So on the 21st of jan i was having mold contractions not so close together i went for a walk after that i went to a baby shower i went home around 8pm and was trying to do as much as i could since i was 5cm open that night i decided to dance a liltle but my contractions werent that strong about 2 am they were more close together and stronger i get into the bath thinking they might not be real because it had hapen before but they were still coming and stronger so i get up tel my husband lets go call my mom and sister, he calls his mom wich she wants us to pick her up with my contractions coming every 4 mins. We left to his moms hpuse to het her and then to my moms to leave my 3 year old by now its 3:20 am took us 20 min to get to the hospital since it was raining. When we get ther im at 5 and half open it took then about an 45 min to transfer me to the LD by the time i got to the room im ready to push the nurses screaming not to push to come to the bed but i felt like i couldnt move i was in so much pain i get in the bed they check me and shout she is ready of course i was ready and the start to prepare everything reatly fast and im ready to push and in 3 pushes she comes out at 4:45 am 6lb 11 oz totaly healthy im so glad everything went so quick from being 5 cm open to 10 in about an hour thaks for reading and sorry if you cant understand some of my words im not reatly good at english