Needing some pep talk

N • Beautiful Nikolai born 12/29/17 👶💙 Lucca born 1/13/21🌻 In love and feeling myself 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
Sooo, I just weighed myself and I'm not satisfied with what I see. I normally weigh about 120 (I'm 5 foot even) and I haven't weighed myself in a while. Today I did and I'm 130. I used to have body image issues and anorexia and this just raised my alarm flags and freaked me out. So rather than sinking into old habits, I want some helpful tips on exercising. There's a gym in my area that is free for the people living there and I am going to start taking advantage of it. I want to gain muscle and be healthier for the baby that I hopefully will be creating soon. I work from home and sit pretty much all day so getting out for about an hour each day would be ideal and going to work out there. Any helpful 1 hour gym exercises for newbies would be lovely 🤗 thank you all so much.
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Weight lifting is so good for our bodies and it will give you that amazing definition but with any workout you need to have good nutrition! Cardio, weights and clean eating is a great place to start 👍🏼 also when you start lifting weights don't weigh your self cause muscle weighs the same as fat it's just more compressed so go by how your clothes feel or a measuring tape for inches your losing! 


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I think the the best thing you can do to make yourself feel better because you are not fat, is get fit. Start weight training and building some muscle. Not like bulky muscle but just enough that you can see you are fit and healthy even if the number on the cake changes.