We have been porn free for 6 months and so happy

Porn can turn into an addiction like anything else. I've actually made it my personal goal to never watch porn again and I've asked my husband to do the same. I used to think it was innocent, that I didn't care if my husband watched porn. But this past yr I've literally have become addicted almost and it's easy to not communicate your needs and wants to your husband and be instantly satisfied by porn. I actually became really depressed over it and started to feel lonely and gross. We moved for my husbands work last ur, I knew no one, was working on growing my client base and finding more work myself. But during the time at home alone, I found it harder to stay away and not give in. 
I totally relate now to those women saying they don't want porn in their lives... it can easily turn into an addiction like anything else. I felt like I was wasting so much time. I go to my husband now when I have an urge no matter how tired... I occupy my time with positive activities and experiences. I go for a walk or cook something good. I'm not wasting any more of my life watching porn. 
I've been porn free for 6 months now. Not going back... I can't imagine now anyways wasting time on it now that we have our little 4 month old.