soapbox of emotions...

I'm sorry about this soapbox post, but I know that I need to let it go... About a month ago I had a miscarriage... I posted in a group and completely poured my guts and feelings out. I know that this a public forum and I could have gotten a wide arrange of responses, but I didn't get a single response! That made me feel even worse about the entire situation. I was taken back by it. I watch people post on here "petty" things and there are thousands of responses, but I didn't even get a simple, "I'm sorry!"  
I'm not trying to get sympathy for my situation by any means, but I just wanted to said it's not fair. Last time I checked this was a forum for women to support other women through this process. I felt like I was completely alone, and I still am. I'm beside myself that I couldn't carry a baby, yet I'm seeing friends and family announce their pregnancies. I'm sitting here turning 35 tomorrow, and I am left wondering why can't I get pregnant and when is it my time? 
I feel like we should step back and realize that we need to support those of us that are having a hard and emotional time, and celebrate when the excitement happens. 
Ok, I'm off of my soapbox now.