BFN woes ...

It's so frustrating we've been TTC for 3 years n nothing we tried for a almost a year then got clomid from my doc 50 then 100 mg for 6 months nothing then we had to move for my husbands job and I had to basically start all over only to find out my previous doc wasn't doing it right my fertility doc was so surprised .... Not to mention idk what's wrong with me my cycle is redickuless ovulation is crazy painful like I'm misscaring painful, then I fell completely pregnant smell boobs heartburn you name a pregnancy symptom I get it ... Then my cycle decides oh your day or so later or a day or so early ... N then downward spiral of uselessness .... I only just finished month 3 of this run with clomid and ovadril ... I don't know how much more I can take .... N our insurance doesn't cover anything more than what I'm doing now ..... I even though I had endometriosis but had a laparoscopy to check that n my felopin tubes are perfect ... Then what's wrong with me .... I have a 10 yr old no problems but have had 6 misscariges 4 super early like 6-8 weeks early ... The other 2 where harder and much later like almost second trimester late .... Is it wrong to want to give up after everything ....