well, so much for making to my c-section

My water broke about 25 hours ago, and my little one was born via c-section roughly 4 hours after my water broke. He's in the NICU as we knew he would be as he has spina bifida. He doesn't even look like a preemie weighing in at 5lbs and has been holding stable, especially during his back closure surgery yesterday afternoon. I'm still quite rattled that he's actually here, I'm not pregnant anymore, and my baby is here. They're warning us to expect him to be in the NICU for 6 weeks, but with how well he's doing, it could be a lot earlier than that when he is released. It's so hard seeing my little bear all taped up and not being able to hold him yet. I'll get to hold him tomorrow, so I'm counting down the time and trying to get my milk supply going. So instead of being an end of February baby (his birth date was going to be two weeks early because of the SB) he's now a January 31st baby.