So my birth story is completely different than I had ever expected

Ashe 🌖🌼 • Mother to Bella & Miyah. Expecting baby #3 June 2021
So my birth story is completely different than I had ever expected. To start I was planning on epidural and a delivery about as easy as my first born back December 2015. No way no how!! 
At 8am 1/31/2017 (yesterday) I started having my normal annoying hip and pubic bone pains so I took a nice long hour sit down bath. At 9 am I got out the tub and before I even had the second foot out I had a HUGE contraction. They kept coming on and off for about 10 mins. Got worse and worse by 10. Woke up my fiancé and told him I was really hurting, he suggested a bath. Told him I had one. Then here they came again ! HUGE HUGE HUGE contractions. Like minutes apart. I started screaming. I just knew something was wrong. I was in so much pain I couldn't even move. Went into the other room because her sister Isabella was still sleeping. (They're 13 months apart) I tried to just stick it out. And it was impossible. I told Brian that I no longer wanted to wait to go in, and for him and Isabella to stay home and I'll have my mom take me incase of a false alarm. Had a lot with my first. Called my mom, she didn't arrive until a hour and 10 mins later 😤🙄 I was so mad screaming in pain because it was so unbearable. Got in the car. I kept screaming and screaming. She was like calm down !! I yelled I can't you took toooo damn long ! It hurts somethings wrong just go !! Made the hospital by 11:20 and was told "THE OB DEPARTMENT SHUT DOWN WE ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO GIVE EPIDURAL BUT WE HAVE TO DELIVER" I was in SHOCK. not only that they all (docs and nurses) kept saying "she's having a baby. Like a baby baby??" I'm like what the hell people this is an EMERGENCY ROOM!" Docs like we gotta start pushing her head is right there ! "NOOOOOO TOO MUCH PAIN I NEED MEDS I CANT DO IT. I CANT I CANT I CANT!" The pain was soooo bad. Never experienced such pain ever. The nurse said she called Brian and NEVER DID. Pushed twice and by 11:30 am here she was. Her dad was so upset. It happened so fast he missed everything. If she would've called when I gave his info he could've made it by the 10 mins before she popped out. But she's here. Healthy. Arrived at 39+2. Welcome to the world Aamiyah !! I can't believe I had an all natural. Ned free birth. Absolutely horrible but crazy amazing. Also blew a vein from thrashing at the docs & nurses so huge bruise on my arm smh 🤦🏽‍♀️