sacrococcygeal teratoma

Hello everyone,
So on Monday I had my 20 week scan, (although I was 18 weeks & 6 days at the time) and all was going really well until the midwife spotted something very strange on the bottom of my baby's spine.
I was sent to have another scan the next day with the specialist as they had no idea what it could be.
It turns out my poor baby has something called Sacrococcygeal Teratoma which is a tumour connected to the tailbone. 
Also found out that my little star is a girl! I'm in absolute love already. 
I'm having to go into hospital now for a scan every two weeks because they need to keep an eye on how big the tumour is growing and making sure that it's not stealing my little girls blood supply making her heart work extra hard.
I also have an MRI scan to check that the tumour isn't cancerous in around 3 weeks. 
I am completely heartbroken and so so scared. My baby has got a rare condition and nothing could have prepared me for what I was hearing. 
It's all going to be a waiting game and it's all completely out of my hands :( 
I can understand that this isn't something that happens regularly but if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated.