Baby Aiden is here!

Three weeks ago I gave birth to my little boy and oh, my god, was it scary! I went into a voluntary induction two days early. My husband and I awoke at 4:30am to get to the hospital for 5:30. Around 6am the picotin started- and the contractions very slowly, progressed. I was checked several times to see how far along my cervix dilated and was told I would be having my son around lunch time-yay! Lunch time came and the contractions were stronger, but I was still a solid 7cm or so-I was so disappointed-my pregnancy had been very tough and I was eager to meet my son, so the picotin was bumped up again. My husband sat next to me watching his darned cartoons while I contracted, but would gently rub my leg or glance at me in awe and pain because he couldn't help me. By 1:30pm my ass was sitting on that damn yoga ball with my husband behind me so I didn't fall-I'm very clumsy- to try and ease these labor pains as I chose to do this naturally with no meds. Well, 2/2:30pm rolled around and I was starting to not be able to bear the contractions anymore and was highly considering getting some type of pain relief; I was dilated to a solid 9 by this time and was told it was too late that it could affect the baby. I told the nurse that I just absolutely had to get him out, but I wasn't bumping past that 9cm mark, so she made a deal with me even though it might be painful; during the next contraction she would go into my cervix with her fingers and try to spread it open while I pushed to see if I could break past that 9cm and oh, my lord, did that fucking hurt. She pulled her fingers out covered in blood said "sorry" and bumped my picotin again. By this time the contractions were unbearable, my husband had given up the cartoons for the most part and I felt like the hulk was inside of me ready to break the bed rails-I was so tired after every contraction. The nurse encouraged me to try different positions to try and ease the pain, but I just simply couldn't move. I tried to lean over the back of the bed while they rubbed my lower back since my back labor was SO intense, but it just didn't help-it actually made things worse. After about five or so contractions I have this position up and adamantly told the nurse that I needed to push, my son HAD TO COME OUT-she didn't believe me and made me wait through some more contractions. Finally, a little after 3pm I got nasty and said "I HAVE to push, I JUST HAVE TO!" She asked me if these contractions felt different than the others? I sort of lied and said "yes" since they've been "different" since the first time I said I needed to push. She then checked my cervix as the doctor came in and I was a solid 10-holy shit, I did it! The next contraction I was able to push; the doctor wasn't ready for me, the stirrups weren't up to hold my legs in and I had to try and hold my own legs while pushing-yeah, that was easy. Before I knew it there was a ton of people in my room and I was delivering my son. The second contraction came and boy, did I scream while pushing. I read about this "ring of fire" and didn't know what it meant until I crowned on that second contraction. I literally thought my clitoris was getting ripped in half while my son's head was coming out. I put my hand down there to try to ease some of the burning, but it didn't help-it was worth a try though haha. That third contraction would be my savior. I was determined and with three pushes in that last contraction my son was born at 3:25pm in January 11, but all wasn't glorious and happy right away. They lay my son on my chest still in purple-I seen it and my husbands face. Was my baby ok? I cried and everyone kept telling me he was ok, but he wasn't moving and he wasn't crying. They took him away from us and started working on him on this little table across the room. I just wanted to get up and get my baby and make everything ok. Finally, crying, my baby was crying! Soon enough he was handed back to me and I was able to hold my brand new son- all 10 pounds .49 ounces of him and I was told I'd be having a high six, low seven pound baby! Turns out the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck not once, not twice, but three times! He was my little miracle baby and thank the lord I was determined to push that little bugger out of me as quickly as I could. Heaven only knows what would have happened if I needed more than three contractions and nine or so pushes to get him out. The thing that upsets me most about the cord is that I was literally in the hospital only days before with decreased fetal movement. I knew something was not right with my son and I had asked if they could check and make sure the cord wasn't wrapped around him and they had told me they couldn't check-I didn't believe it then and I don't believe it now. Sure enough, my instincts were right about the cord, but thankfully I still have my son. ❤️