Anyone else can't stand their mil?

I don't know if it's just the raging hormones or what. But I can't stand my mil. I used to get along with her ok. But it irritates me so much when she goes against my wishes regarding my children. For example, once I hid a particular toy from the kids because they were fighting over it. My oldest asked for it and I said it was misplaced. Mil overheard and I explained to her I had hid it and why. She asked my son if he wanted the toy. He said yes of course. So she went for the toy and handed it to him. Lo and behold my kids fighting over it a couple min later. Another time she was with me grocery shopping. My 4 yr old asked for some sugary cornflakes. I said no. He had like 3 boxes at home of other cereals and I had already added a chocolate bar to the cart per his request. Not that I couldn't afford it but I'm not raising an entitled snobby brat. My mil came during the afternoon with said cereal box. It took every ounce of me to not throw the cereal box in the trash right there and then. Please share your annoying mil stories!! I know there are much worse mils than mine