Crazy Man at the grocery store 🙈

Just a little rant because I hate how people seem to think they have a right to say whatever they want without consequence...
I was at the grocery store today picking up a few things. I bought apples, bananas, avacados, milk, bread, chicken breast and also some potato chips and a package of my husbands favorite cookies.  I got to the check out and there was a man (probably 40-50yrs old) in front of me placing his items on the belt. He had very few items, mostly produce and a few fat free items.
I unloaded my carriage and he was watching me the whole time. 
As he was about to pay, he turns to me and says " you should be ashamed to feed your family such junk... who needs chips and cookies in their diet?"
I was completely taken back by his statement but luckily I'm quick on my feet and he barely turned back around before I responded with  "as you've clearly shown me, you can eat what you consider healthy foods and not only be overweight but an asshole too, I'll take my chances with my snacks."
Never in my life have I experienced someone so rude..... mind you, I had just come from the gym.... I was in my gym clothes and am 5'4, 135lbs..... so I can't imagine what he would say to someone overweight. 
People never cease to amaze😐