Career decisions

I went to a University for 5 years (my degree literally takes forever to get) and got my career job 2 years ago. First year was a sink or swim year. This following year I'm starting to see that I'm more depressed coming home from work and it's taking an emotional toll on me. I always thought once I had my career I would love it but so far it's been tough for my personality. My husband is disappointed but he just wants me to be happy. I'm making pretty good money but I honestly don't think it's worth my sadness and stress. There's been days I feel so stressed I can't even eat.... anyone ever spent all that time in college only to find out what you got wasn't what you really wanted after all? I can't be the only one going through this right? :( I'm thinking maybe I should start brainstorming for a new career....Husband thinks I should just ride it out and give it a longer chance. Either way I have til May to figure out what I'm going to do.