just tired of feeling this way

Hubby did some things not too long ago that just completely betrayed me in every way in this marriage.  As much as I want to be able to forgive him and move forward, I can't.  The betrayal and hurt goes just too deep.  He says he is the only one working on getting past it, but he really isn't doing anything.  I still find things hidden from me, big and small, still find lies and he's just not DOING anything to EARN my trust back.  He says he stopped doing the things that caused this hurt, but he's not doing anything to relieve it or earn my trust back either.  And his mother, who excuses all the behaviors and tries to put blame on me because "his exes cheated on him" decided to start crap on the days of my mother's viewing and funeral and he did NOTHING to stop her at the time and even called her and came in to try to confront me while she was doing it - ON THE DAY OF MY MOTHER'S funeral.  The hurt and betrayal just go too deep and there are still secrets and behaviors that are questionable and he allows his mother to regularly and openly disrespect me.  I think it just may be time to call it and be a single mother and go through this pregnancy on my own.  Just too freaking hurt and nothing is being done to EARN back any trust and I feel completely empty.  Not even mad any longer, just empty.  Sorry, had to vent..... Just coming to the total realization that it may just be time to take this journey solo.