First dilation check today! DID NOT go as I planned!

Suzanne • One ☀️ baby👧🏻2/14/17, one Angel 👼🏼Oct 2018, one🌈👶🏻 11/21/19 All conceived via IUI
Today at 37+5 I had my first dilation check appointment! Was expecting the doc to tell me that my cervix was closed. Turns out I'm 2cm 70% effaced and -2head position(not sure what that means)
When she removed her hand there was blood on her fingers and told me that I may bleed some because she was able to feel the babies head while checking and because she was so far into my cervix it's normal. 
I stood up and it was a lot of blood. When she left the room I wiped with the sheet they gave me and there was ALOT of blood and a huge clot. Def freaked out. Nurse told me I looked pale and should get some sugar into me and calm down. I googled and apparently I could stay this way for hours days or weeks lol very comforting haha
I didn't return to work because I work with infants and all the up and down and picking up of kids didn't make me feel comfortable with the bleeding. Any advice???