So my mother, myself, my boyfriend and our 6 1/2 month old daughter live in a 2 bedroom basement suite. We pay have the rent and she pays the other half. My mother has been living on the couch since we moved in because she can't afford the bed (or can't budget for one for whatever reason). My boyfriend and I have our own room and my daughter has hers.

I understand it must be hard sleeping on the couch in the living room for as long as she has and how she dowdy have much private time but I don't know what the hell she wants me to do about! She bitches and complains about almost everything I do. She words things like I have to ask permission on what I have to do with MY DAUGHTER! "Don't put her in her sleep suit, she'll get pneumonia!" "If she's not sleeping in 10 minutes than she's not tired" etc. She yells at us that were not doing anything when we're clearing doing everything to help our daughter when she's been crying for a while. She screams at us about our decisions as parents and I'm sick of it. I just want to scream "It's none of your business how we parent, our daughter is happy, healthy, smart, clothed, changed and fed so get the fuck out of my face". I've been passive aggressive for 5 months but last month I decided to say fuck it and tell her how it is and she still bitches. I'm 17, almost 18 so I'm in high school so I take 3 classes in the morning and my boyfriend (20) does the same. We're BUSY. Sometimes the dishwasher doesn't get done everyday or the laundry or god forbid something else and she just yells at us like we don't DO ANYTHING. UGGGHHHH. And yes my relationship is legal in Canada.