I can't deal!!!

8 weeks pregnant and I swear to cheese puffs my fiancé gets more obnoxious every day! I can hear him chewing from across the HOUSE!!!! I have misophonia and I feel like this pregnancy has intensified it times a thousand! I hate my mothers dogs (she's disabled and lives downstairs in my house.) they make so much noise cleaning themselves in the hallway, drinking from the toilet. I can't deal!! Don't even get me started on the cats! OMG!!! But back to my fiancé! He has always had a very obnoxious slobbery chewing sound any time he eats but I swear it's worse every day! It legit woke me up out of my sleep last night because he was eating a candy bar in bed. Even certain smells are pissing me off now. I'm constantly irritated. I work in a deli and we offer samples and when customers smack their food I want to come across the counter! This has to stop I can't control my facial expressions well enough to have this happen all the time! Logically I know they're not making these noises on purpose but when I hear them I instantly get PISSED not just slightly irritated but ready to rip their heads off PISSED.