I'm at a loss

I've been with my honey for 1 1/2 years, I have 2 daughters and he has 1 daughter and two sons... it has been very hard blending the families. We have known each other since high school and feel our relationship is sentimental. He's a great man in a million ways however he feels traumatized from the way him and his ex-wife divorced, she left him for another man and she was very abusive in telling how he was never man enough and everything he ever did was worthless. On to my point, he is extremely insecure.. I fee like I have to spend every waking moment loving on him or he freaks out.. begins asking me if he is enough for me and if I still love him and if I'm giving time to other men. My ex husband is also not a good situation, he was doing things to try to get me to go back to him, I was able to keep things clear and was trying to maintain communication for my daughter however because of that my boyfriend flipped, we have had constant endless fights regarding all of this! I completely get feeling upset about the situation but he has demanded that I basically don't communicate with my daughters father really at all, I've tried so hard to keep everything kosher in all directions but now my daughter thinks all of her fathers hardships are my fault! Also my boyfriend has a very different parenting style than I do and is constantly getting after my daughter so now she has decided she doesn't like him, not to mention his children and mine really have a hard time getting along! I must say I've also been depressed due to winter months and all of this constant drama going on! My boyfriend keeps telling me he can feel I don't love him like I did and says I'm so different when I know I try very hard to act as normal as possible to keep him happy! I seriously feel emotionally drained he acts like I don't do anything to add to this relationship but I know I more than try!