I'm losing it, I can't take it!

Journey back to me
Previously I told you guys my husband put a tracker on my phone read all my messages he didn't like how I talked about him to my best friend. He also didn't like a pic I told with a co worker at our company's holiday party he is now asking for a divorce we've been together since 14  we are know 27 I'm hurt.im sorry I hurt him however it was intentional.now he's texting hurtful mean things...back in October I had a miscarriage jan I missed my period and it hasn't came yet this is what he texted me when I told him I needed to texted.
.It's crazy to find out like this but whatever....its life! 
I'm not making you get an abortion... but I want you to know going into it that I don't want anything to do with you. Cuz you put us in this position! To do me like that then to bring a baby into this world... is pretty fucked up! 
Im just hurt I can't believe this