Starting Femara next cycle


So I'm going to start using Femara once my next cycle starts. The doctor says I'm not ovulating every month. We've been trying now for about 2 years, he suggested doing <a href="">iui</a> with the Femara, but due to costs and the fact that my insurance doesn't cover anything with fertility I'm going to try just the Femara for a couple months before trying the <a href="">iui</a>. Have you ladies had success with just Femara, or both?

My hsg was normal, and his sperm count is good. Motility and morphology are a little off, but still good, so hoping we can finally do this. It's been very hard getting the negative tests to the point that I don't even want to take them. Also my best friend started trying a couple months after we did and was pregnant on her first cycle. Her son just turned 1 yesterday. I'm happy for her but we had hoped to be pregnant together.