Need reassurance please

Maggie • 25🌞Mommy to💙Luca 12/31/13💙 Logan 02/14/17💙
I had a mariginal placental abruption at 28 weeks. My placenta never fully reattached and is only connected to my uterus in parts by a blood clot. My doctor refused to do another growth scan after 30 weeks but I go weekly for AFI checks. Well the tech today did a growth scan and I wasn't going to correct her because I've been wanting to know. My baby measured 2 weeks ahead at every ultrasound up until the abruption, and 10 days ahead at 30 weeks. Today we found out he's now in the 29th percentile. It wouldn't be alarming to me if he hadn't been so far ahead before that happened. Also, I've been going down at least 2 cm of fluid a week. My fluid today was at a 6 which is 1 cm from too low per the scale at my OB's. the doctor today , whom I cannot stand, told me his slow growth has nothing to do with my placenta and 6cm is "perfect". I'm so ready to be delivered. I haven't had ANY reassurance from doctors for anything this pregnancy. Took them 4 days, 3 hospital trips, and 1 office visit to finally catch my abruption because I was peeing blood and passing clots. They kept telling me it was pelvic girdle pain 🙄 I don't trust these doctors; I feel like my baby isn't getting the right amount of nutrients from my placenta. On top of it, they won't let me know my induction date until NEXT week and I'm being induced the following week; not even a full week's notice and I have a 3 year old I have to make arrangements for and have a note in to Preschool a week ahead for the 2 days he will miss but I won't know! 
Can I be adamant about knowing the date at my appointment tomorrow? I don't feel a week adequate time for someone... There have been quite a few issues with the doctor I saw today, I even told the nurse at my NST not to have that doctor come in, I'll save my questions for a different doctor. They ignored me and the doctor came into my room anyway. I'm filing a huge complaint after I deliver and am discharged. 😡