Induced Birth Story- 9 days overdue - Rosalee Isa Jami


Just a short preface, I was 40+9; had visited the PED unit the Thursday before where they had measured the baby at 9 Pounds 3 oz and my fluid had become borderline/low and was instructed to contact my doctor right away to schedule an appointment with my OB in the office to ensure my levels would not descend to low.  My doctor had looked over the results from my PED exam and insisted I switch my   Appointment to first thing Monday morning with another doctor in the practice due to her being on call that weekend into Monday. 

Forward to Monday morning at 10:45, I meet with the doctor who quickly views my fluid and assess that they are WAY too low and the baby was way too big ( I am 5'2" and naturally 115 pounds soaking wet). He asks if I have my bag, and if I was ready to have a baby because he was sending me over to the hospital at that moment to be induced. I was prepared being that I live about an hour away from the hospital and had "a feeling" that morning.  My best friend happened to be with you at my appointment, it was the BD birthday and I wanted him to get ready... remember I was having "that feeling."  Anyway I grab some food and head over to L&D. I arrive at L&D it's super quiet and I receive a room right away. They begin my induction with Cervidil that lasted for 12 hours; I was having terrible contractions that were giving me zero breaks and were peaking way off the chart, my natural birth quickly turned into one that required an epidural. I was checked at only 80 percent effaced and 2 CMs, so our next step was a foley balloon that should get me to 5 cm and then fall out, I progressed with the foley balloon to 6 CMs within 2 hours, everything was looking promising so they were gonna break my water so I could reach the transitional stage for pushing.  Fast forward 6 hours and still 6 CMs, they had added pitocin to an 8 mL drip and my contractions were strong! With every contraction the babies heart rate was dropping and my perfect blood pressure sky rockets to 170/90 and talks about a C section arise now 24 hours into labor.  Constant monitoring and changing positions the babies heart rate was getting worst, I was starting to feel ill and no change of position, drip amount or praying stopped the inevitable C section.

At 5:38 PM on Tuesday January 31st, 2017.  Rosalee Isa Jami was born at 9lbs 4 oz via C Section; she was carrying her chord in her hand and wrapped around her neck, aspirated Meconium in my tummy, and had shoulders like a linebacker that were not going to be able to fit through mommies pelvis. All in all a C section would have been inevitable, but mommy and baby are healthy and both doing well, baby is a little sore due to the long labor with low fluids, and mommies insides were left in a bowl beside her to make sure Rosalee had room to arrive.  Not the birth story I wanted but it was the birth story that saved our lives. I love my chub nugget.