I need some outside advice.....

So I need some serious advice. I just recently got out of my first relationship ever. I'm really new at the whole casual sex thing. I'm single and i want to keep it that way but i made a decision to try and find friends w/ benefits. So naturally a made a tinder but so far noonegas really stayed around. This didn't really bother me bc it's not like the sex wasn't great he just didn't stick around and in every situation so far we would be pretty much honest abt what we wanted. But this time i'm having a serious issue. So this guy is hot and i mean body builder bearded lumberjack looking guy. It's a shock to me bc where i live there are veeery slim pickings 😬 (Indiana 😷) so i'm little excited abt us matching but everyone tells me he's probably a catfish and a small part of me was like yeah they're probably right. So we talked on tinder and he gives me his number saying he rarely gets on tinder and that i shoukd text him. So i do and we talk (thats the photos) over a couple days until eventually we make a last minute plan for him to come over for like 10 minutes, which was all he needed btw 😉, afterwards he tells me that he knows me...from elementary school 😳. Now for me that's kind of a big deal bc i attended a christian private school as a kid (i know ew it wasn't great) i have vivid memories of the place and i knew everone in school very well bc the place was small and vowed (at the time jokingly) to never have anything to do with anyone from there. So we laughed together about it and he's about to leave. He asks when we're gonna hang again and that i should text him or he'll text me. And right before he leaves he turns back around and kisses me goodbye. Mind you, i watch ppl very closely and observe their speech and body language to see what thier true intent is. He looked me in my eyes, he was turned towards me. We even smoked before we did anything. So i'm think hey jackpot right? Wrong. I texted him after and we had a veru short convo. The last thing he said to me was that he was working. I just want to know, is this guy ghosting me? (Read the texts for mire details) also i did something I wasn't too proud of, we didn't use a condom. I just started birth control, and even though he was nowhere near my hoohah when he came, i'm still worried. I know abt precum and how it all works and itook a  stupid risk. Ig what i really want to know is 1) is he ghosting me or actually working? 2) am i reading too far into this bc of mood swings from my birth control? And 3) did he play me or was he really even somewhat mildly interested in me? Please comment, I haven't been able to get this off of my mind....😕