Welcome Riley Oscar!

Amanda • We are a blended family of 7. This will be our first together. Super excited.
Went in to be induced at 6am. loss my plug before going in and was having consistent contractions. Unfortunately my cervix was not in the right position to break my water to get things going. Was only 1 to 2 cm dilated. Found out baby was face up and not in the right position to get him to drop into the right position. Got some Pitocin at 9am. Kept going up on it until nurse checked me at 12:30. Was in a lot of pain. All of it was in my back. So I wanted some pain medicine. Checked me again during a contraction. Had bulging membranes and I was 8cm. So no pain medication. Doctor came in a little later. Broke my water at 12:56. After 3 hard screaming in pain due to back labor back to back pushes. My little boy arrived at 1pm. It was very painful process and I was in back labor for 5 hours but totally worth it. My little bundle of joy arrived weighing 8lb 5oz and 21 in long. Born 41 +4 weeks.