Once upon a time...


It's been a month, but better late than never when posting your birth story.

December 21 I was at work when my doctor called and decided that he wanted me to come in to be induced that night. I was having some blood pressure issues and they decided to induce at 38 weeks. I finished up at work, got stuff put together at home, then my husband and I headed to the hospital. We got checked in and they started me on a round of cervidil. (Side note: why does nobody ever mention how much having cervidil inserted hurts? That and cervical checks....ow!)

Well after a round of that, i only dialated 2cm so they did a round of pitocin. After marinating at 30ml all day on the 22nd, they did another round of cervidil and pitocin. Nothing changed by the 23rd so they put me on cytotec and round 3 of pitocin on the 24th. I dialated to 3cm and lost my mucus plug, so pretty uneventful. They sent me home to have christmas with the family.

Fast forward 3 days to the 27th...my doctor had me come back to the hospital for induction round 2. Instead of cervidil (ow!) I had them do cytotec. (I'd rather have the meds that don't feel like a brillo pad being jammed up in my lady-bits.) I spent all night the 27th and all the 28th in early labor. They broke my water around 9am and by 7pm I'm exhausted, hungry, and crabby from the uncomfortable bed, lack of sleep, and lovely clear liquid diet I was stuck on. The contractions didn't really hurt, more annoying since they were keeping me awake. I really wanted to sleep so my husband convinced me to get an epidural. Stubborn me wanted to wait for the next morning to get it, but he's usually right about this stuff, so I listened to him and got it. Best. Idea. Ever! I love the noodle-legs feeling and got to finally sleep!

It's a good thing I listened to my husband. I woke up at 6am with this on-off pressure in my vagina which moved to my rear by 8am. Baby was dropping into the birth canal and although it didn't hurt, I felt the pressure of it.

By 9:30 the nurse checked me again abs I was at 9.75cm. My doctor was there and we started pushing right before 10am. The pressure was getting to be greater and greater, no pain though (thank you epidural!). After pushing for an hour, the doctor noticed the baby's umbilical cord was around her neck. He had me push one last time with vaccuum assistance. After one last push I felt the head and shoulders pass followed by a huge gush. There was a huge pressure followed by a giant sense of relief. My little lady was here!

I didn't hear a cry though. There was a bunch of doctors around her asking with my husband while my doctor finished things up with me. Still no cry. I could hardly see her, I just saw a pale and purplish hand and foot. After what seemed like eternity, she finally squeaked. She didn't cry, she just squeaked a few times while looking around at everything. She had a little fever, but was completely fine otherwise.

Emily Joy born 11:00 am 12/29/2016

7lbs 7oz

21 inches