I Have to Vent

My fiancé's aunt is driving me insane.  Before our daughter was even born she was insisting she babysits while we are at work so that our daughter doesn't have to be in daycare.  I thought it was a horrible idea because she has a tendency to hold things over you.  It is a favor with a ton of strings attached.  My fiancé insisted we pay her so she cannot say anything about us using her.  With the way our work schedules line up, we need her help because daycares wont be open.  So I reluctantly agreed.  She barged into the hospital an hour after I had given birth and then gave me shit after my one hour newborn daughter spit up on her....like really?  Then she invited herself to my house a week after we got out of the hospital.  My dog had eaten a soup bone and gotten really sick from it.  He was already thin to begin with but lost enough weight that his ribs and hips started to show.  She started bashing us by saying we were not feeding him.  Our other dog is the perfect weight...so to her we feed one dog but not the other...Also, my fiancé's mom is coming to the United States this summer and will be living with us since her house has a lease on it right now.  We were moving my furniture out of the spare bedroom and accidentally broke a computer desk the aunt gave us to hold for his mom.  It was a 10 year old computer desk made of pegs and particle board from Walmart.  It wasn't the best quality.  She texted my fiancé saying she was on the way to our house when we weren't there.  So we had to rush back to the house.  She saw the computer desk outside and our baby in the car and flipped out.  She threatened to call CPS because we had the baby out in public at one month old.  Plus if we couldn't take care of a computer desk then we cannot take care of a baby.  She also brought a huge bag of dog food because we aren't feeding the dog.  My fiancé had to send her pictures of our dog eating three times a day.  I cannot handle this crazy lady much longer.  I might actually say something which will put me on the blacklist for his entire family but it will be so worth it.  This lady thinks I am such a bad parent but she has zero kids herself.  She also told my fiancé that she would adopt my child if I was considering an abortion...and she was willing to pay.  We were actively trying for a baby but she thinks I am flaky.  Thankfully I have my dad to talk to to keep me sane lol