
So more and more I'm thinking my LO has reflux. I'm doing the normal things suggested to alleviate some of the pain, such as keeping her upright after a feed, raising her mattress etc. I'm even thinking about getting a swing so that she can sleep sitting up as at the moment I am up with her all night with no sleep (literally none, I tend to be I with her midnight - 9am, sometimes later).
I have a few questions though if anyone can help? 
Lots of people advise no nappy changes  after a feed, which I stick to as best I can. Unfortunately halfthe time she has a BM after a feed. When this happen I just accept that she will be sick as I change it but it seems to really hurt her at times, is there anything I can do to lessen this?
Also, her symptoms are way worse at night and seemed to be coupled with trapped wind. I try to burp her but often have no luck, can reflux cause this or am I just dealing with this on top of reflux?