Holy cow


Holy cow! I'm still reeling. I had been having random mildly painful contractions for most of the day 2/2/17, but nothing consistent. I sat down after putting my older 3 kids to bed (about 8:30) and started having some stronger contractions about 15-20 min apart so, after folding some laundry, I decided I'd better go lay down and try to rest while I timed them. They started getting stronger around 10:00 or so and some were on top of eachother, but then I would go more like 8-12 min until the next one. I wanted to make sure it was the real thing so I timed them a while longer. At about 11:00 I called my husband at work to tell him he should come home and told my parents to head over while I took a quick shower. I could hardly stand once I got up and then I knew we had to hurry. We live less than 5 min from the hospital (thank goodness!) and I think we left at about 11:35/11:40. The people in the ER were all staring when we came in. I can only imagine what I looked like. Lol. They got me upstairs and in a room and it was so bad I had to have the nurse take my pants off for me. They checked me and I was a 10 and fully effaced. They got everything set up and I think I pushed twice and baby boy was born at 11:59pm. Holy crap is all I have to say. The adrenaline is still going. I'm trying to sleep, but I still can't believe what happened.