how much does a baby cost per month, please read my reasoning !

Okay so my boyfriend is in the navy stationed in another state than our daughter and I. We are together. She is now 2 months old (10 weeks). He's about to go on a 9 month long deployment, he's going to be sending me money every month for her since I am a stay at home mom while he's gone. He hasn't sent me any yet due to him being last minute deployed right after birth with not contact. I'm kind of clueless as to how much to have him send me, he keeps asking but I'm new to this. I'm a ftm, and Ive already had all the diapers and wipes I needed from my shower from diaper cakes and gifts.. so I'm not sure how much money I'm going to need etc considering I've already been stocked up from other people. I haven't been paying attention really to how fast she's going through them either.. I feel like an awful mother ugh. She's also colic which is stressful and so big she's growing out of all her clothes! But I calculated formula to be 25$ a week so that's already 100$. Then diapers I calculated to possibly be 25$ a week as well so that's 200$. Wipes about 8$ a week so nearly 235$. Not sure what else I should add into the expenses.. maybe soap etc? I'm not sure what else to include.. I don't want to ask for too much or too little.. what do you suggest? Please no judgment.. we're trying or best. We're both new to this and have a hard situation. Thank you!