Quick labor ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜

My LO (baby number 1) was due on the 22nd September 2016, my last day of work was the 9th September ( ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ) and my mum flew up (on sunday the 11th) for my first week of maternity leave to help me get any last minute things organised...on the monday (12th) we had a pretty normal day shopping etc, got home relaxed, partner got home, had dinner, and in bed by 10pm...(38wks and 5d) at 1.20am on the 13th i was woken up, didnt know what had woken me but got up, had a drink (felt a lil cramp) and went to the bathroom (felt a lil cramp), when i wiped it was a pinky color *thinking, ok dont panic* sat there for a little longer and kept getting little cramps...put a pad on and went to get my phone and downloaded a contraction timer app (got to love smart phones ๐Ÿ˜)...anyway i was having contractions every 3 to 5mins lasting 1 to 2 mins, so i woke my partner and told him that i was going to call the hospital like they told me to at prenatal class and my dr aps...and told the midwife my name, pt no, due date, and that i thought my mucos plug had come out and about my contractions, the midwife (very rudely) told me that i shouldnt come in yet, that if i did come in they would check me and probably send me home with a 'kit' to help with pain, that the first labor is usually the longest, i would be much more comfortable laboring at home, to go take some panadol, have a warm shower and use heat packs, and that when i couldnt talk through a contraction thats a good indication to come in...by this time it was 2.30am, so in the shower i got, and omg! i think it was the best shower ive ever had haha for about 2mins anyway, and then my contractions were coming every 1 to 2 mins and lasting just as long, so my partner went and woke my mum who looked at me and said i think you should go to the hospital...my partner went a bit white haha and i said that id called already and they basically told me to stay home because i didnt "sound" like i was in labor...mum said well stuff her you need to get to the hospital, so i called again and the same midwife answered (yay ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ง) and basially told me she still didnt think i needed to come in but if i wanted to they would check me when i get there...3.30am by now my contractions were getting pretty intense, so we grabbed our bags (which id had packed since 36wks, one for me, one for bub and one for my partner)...we live 25mins from the hospital (with no traffic) and it was the longest 25mins of my life...we got to the hospital and my partner parked in the 5min drop of zone even though i told him to park in the multi story car park haha (thank goodness he didnt listen to me ๐Ÿ˜‚) we went into emergancy and the nurse there took one look at me and opened all the doors and guided us through to the l and d lifts...we got to the main counter at l and d, i gave them my pregnancy book and had THE WORST CONTRACTION EVER like i was crumpled on the floor it was that bad, and i felt a gush...i told my partner who was on the floor right next to me that i thought my waters had just broken, he told the lady at the counter and she said 'well when she finishes doing what shes doing she can tell us whats happening' im thinking *are you f$@#ing serious, he just told you what was happening!!!* anyway, when that contraction finished i stood up and told her i thought my waters had broken, so she went and got a pad and a towel and told me to go into the bathroom just behind me to check what was there, the color etc...i got in the cubicle (with my partner just behind me) turned and told him i wanted to push, and let me tell you if i was in any other situation i think i wouldve wet myself from laughter, his face was priceless and he told me "you cant push yet! Its too soon!!!" I said but i want to! He runs out of the bathroom and comes back with 2midwives (1 of them was the rude lady on the phone) and a wheelchair...i really didnt want to sit down, that was the last thing i wanted...anyway i sat down and was taken to a delivery room, i (basically) jumped out of the chair, threw my undies on the floor and climbed on the bed on all 4s...and i started pushing, my midwife (new lady) said "thats it just push when you want", and started getting the paper work out, another person lifted the head of the bed so now i was kneeling with my head and arms resting on the back of the bed, my partners rubbing my back...my midwife come over and says something (no idea what) she then checks me and i hear her say "oh my! um can me get a dr in here, shes crowning!" The dr comes in, has enough time to put gloves on and my daughtes was born at 4.10am on 13th september weighing 6lb2oz and 51cm!!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ it took me about 10seconds to relise they were trying to pass her to me ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ we had only been at the hospital for 15mins ahahaha my partner and i were both in a state of shock it all happened so quickly, the dr said to me that next time i should really come in after my first contraction...later my partner thought it was funny because in his bag i had packed a change of clothes, phone charger and enough snacks to last him a day ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜