Feeling rejected by my boyfriends family.

Ill start small back story. About a year and a half ago i was engaged to a guy that i had been with for 5 years. (Through highschool and college) His family was very loving and accepting and welcomed me with open arms immediately. We however decided to call off the engagement and break up. About 6 months after the breakup i the guy i am with currently asked me out and we have been dating seriously ever since. He is 21 and lives with his parents. My problem is this, his mother/family is not very accepting. Even before we were dating she didnt like him to hang out with me (even to go as far as forbid him from seeing me) saying that i was just going to use him as a rebound for my ex. Well he decided that he was going to see me anyway because he believed differently. For about 8-9 months she banned me from their house. Around thanksgiving i was finally allowed over there, but we werent allowed to call each other by anything but our first names and there was to be no physical contact. We respected her wishes even though we disagreed with them. I was then invited to their christmas and new years family parties. I thought i had finally been accepted as the parties went well. Well just this past week he asked his parents if he could invite me to their superbowl party. His mother told him that it is only for family and as i am not family, i couldnt be invited. I am stumped and feeling a little rejected. I dont understand how i could be included in new years and christmas, but not a party to watch a football game. So my question is how should i handle this?