Vacay help ... Freaking out

Kara • Married 🇨🇦 SAHM Girl 09/09/16 -x- Boy 08/29/19 Waiting to TTC #3

My daughter is 5 months old and is extremely high maintenance / high sensitivity.

She always needs to have motion and a change to her schedule is cause for a melt down. If we go to my mom's and she needs a nap she will scream until we get home, in her room, then she's fine.

She's got fire and she knows what she wants and how she wants it.

We are going to stay with my FIL and his wife for a week in Florida (we're canadian) and he thinks we are going to be packing in activities.

I am freaking out!! The longest she can be awake is 2 hours ... She hates the car, hates the stroller, has early stranger anxiety and will already be reeling from the flight when we get there.

I want to cancel the trip and hide away and cry.

I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm ruining the trip by wanting to keep to my babies schedule.

What would you do?!