ZERO pain labor! 😏🤗

Adela • mommy of a beautiful one year old & one on the way 💕👶🏻
I woke up on Friday 2/3 around 3:20 with contractions, walked around my house for about an hour but they were still 10 to 15 minutes apart so I started to do my makeup to try and distract myself, around 6:30 they started to get a little worse but still 10 minutes apart so at 8 they started to be every 5 to 7 minutes so I came to the hospital where they monitored  for about an hour and checked to see if I was dilated, I was, 4cm so I got admitted  to a room where they made me walk, jump on a birthing ball I had to get an IV, took seven tries because of my small veins after they made me sit in a jacuzzi, only lasted up to a 7 and got the epidural, first was wasn't effective so I got a second one, which worked a few hours later I ended up at a 9, two hours later I got to a ten and started pushing, i felt NOTHING, it was cake! No pain, nothing! 50 minutes of pushing and at 10:12 I had my 6lb 10 oz, 19 in baby girl! She didn't cry, she had her eyes wide open, she got two shots and cried because the pokes scared her. She's so good at latching on to breastfeed as well. Here's my baby girl 💗💕