I want to be excited....but I'm terrified

My husband and I started ttc in April 2015 right after we got married. Our first pregnancy was in December 2015 and we were so excited and made cute little onesies to tell our families. We went in for our first US at 9 weeks and found out it was twins measuring at about 8 weeks but neither had a heartbeat. We were devestated and I had to have a d&c a week later. In June 2016 I got pregnant again and thought for sure it was our time but when I had my hcg and progesterone levels checked all numbers were very low. I started on progesterone suppositories and we hoped for the best but I somehow knew the inevitable was coming. Though numbers continued to rise over the next week and a half, they did not double like they were supposed to and I ended up miscarrying naturally. We were beyond heart broken and confused but assured there was an explanation for each. The first time was likely due to the twins being identical and sharing everything and just not progressing while the second was deemed a "normal" miscarriage. I was assured third times a charm and that statistics were in our favor. In August 2016 I got pregnant for the third time. Though cautiously apprehensive, we were optimistic. I was being tracked very closely with levels being taken every few days and numbers looked great. We went in for our first scan at 6 weeks and all looked great. I had very light spotting due to a small tear in the placenta but they said there was over a 90% chance it would heal on its own. One week later we went back for the second scan and there was no heartbeat. I had to have another d&c a few days later. There are not words to describe how devestated and worthless I felt. After many weeks we got tissue test results back and found out the miscarriage was cause by trisomy 22. We were referred to a fertility specialist at this point and had to wait 3 months to see him. While waiting, we were adviced to used protection and avoid pregnancy. We went on January 5th and were fully expecting him to suggested we do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in order to freeze and test embryos but instead he said he still thinks it was all bad luck and adviced us to keep trying. I was supposed to have an hsg at the beginning of my next cycle and then possibly begun clomid to speed up the process but I ended up pregnant again! Though I am excited and anaxed it happened so fast, I'm very scared things will end as they always have. So far numbers were good. At 4 weeks hcg was 826 (which dr said was a little high and could mean multiples again but too early to tell) and progesterone was 17.6 which he said was only slightly lower than he'd like to see so I'm on daily progesterone gel as a precaution. I go back on Monday to get levels checked again and I'm terrified! I've been cramping slightly for a couple weeks now, my breasts hurt, and I'm super exhausted but I'm still so scared! Anyone have any success stories after 3 miscarriages? Any advice to keep my mind at ease?