Finally posting my birth story *LONG

Tiffany • William Dalas born September 18,2016.💙👶🏼 Teen Mom. 💕 YouTube: Dalas’ Mommy
I found out I was pregnant in February of 2016. Throught my whole pregnancy, I didn't feel I was pregnant until my first ultrasound. At 19 weeks, first ultrasound and seeing his little body inside of mine made me feel superior. The same day I found out he was a boy! Fast forward to my last OB appointment, the doctor checked to see if I had dialated any. I was 38 weeks and 1 day. After I got checked, I felt like I started to have Braxton hicks and that didn't last until after I got admitted to L&D. On September 17, 2016 I got myself prepared for my son. I had a strong feeling he'd be here within the next week. Little did I know he'd be here within a day! Well on that Saturday, I felt Braxton hicks and I lost a piece of my plug. At 9:00 on the 17, I felt my first contraction. I thought it was the most worst pain I ever felt in my life. They were about 8 minutes apart but mild. An hour later, they were getting worse. My boyfriend was getting the baby's room together while I was in the living room timing contractions. At 11, he came down and asked me what was wrong. I told him to take my phone and press the button when I said. It took him a minute to realize the app said "Contractions timer". He started to flip out. "Are you okay!" "We need to go to the hospital" No, we need to go NOW" Looking back, I wish I would have ate and taken a shower before we went. But finally at midnight on 9/18/16, we were on the road to the hospital. We went to triage and they hooked me up and everything then checked to see how dialated I was. Said I was 2 cm and my contractions weren't regular. She was trying to send me home. I told her I wanted to stay because I would just sit in the parking lot because I knew I was in labor. So I stayed in triage for about an hour and 15 minutes and I finally progressed to 4 cm. I was in SO much pain. I thought I was going to die because these contractions were unbearable. I finally got up to L&D and the nurse asked if I wanted the epidural. I told her no I wanted to wait. She stayed in the room because I guess she knew I wanted that epidural. About 2 contractions later, I knew I had to get it. I was in too much pain. She ordered the epi and I waited, screaming and crying for 10 minutes. I got my epidural and I got some rest. Around 5 in the morning, I got the peanut ball and got checked to see how far I was dialated. I was 6 cm and 100% effaced. They would come move me left to right, right to lady every hour. At 8 in the morning, I got checked again. I was 9cm! Boyfriend was sleeping so I decided to go back to sleep. At 9:45 she checked while I was half asleep and said happily that I was 10cm!! My boyfriend woke up with the a flushed look. He was more terrified than I was:) I called my sister and my mom and said " Are you ready to have a baby? I'm 10 cm and we are almost ready!" They had no clue I was even in the hospital. They got there around 10:10 AM and the nurses got everything prepared for baby and said I had to do some practice pushes. So, my sister, boyfriend and mom all decided where they were going to be. Mom, left leg. Sister, right leg. Boyfriend, up by my head rubbing my hair😂 I did 2 practice pushes and the nurse called the doctor to come in. I knew then and there I was about to have Dallas! At 10:20 AM, I started pushing. I remember pushing and just having memories in my head. I kept my eyes closed and just thought about my whole pregnancy. I thought about when I found out, my first time hearing his heartbeat, my first ultrasound, feeling him kick for the first time and just bonding with him; knowing this was the last couple of minutes I'd have my son inside my belly. After about 10 minutes of pushing, my little William Dallas was born at 10:32 AM on September 18,2016. My boyfriend wasn't able to cut the cord because the baby was a little blue. They checked him out to see that everything was fine and I got to hold my baby. This little boy I held in my stomach for 9 months was here and he was all mine! I finally got to see his face because I didn't want to move him. He looked so comfortable and peaceful. I finally moved him and I seen his face for the first time. I felt like I knew him my whole life. His eyes locked on to mine and I couldn't help but cry. He was the most amazing, cutest and most great looking boy I've ever seen! He was taken over to the scale after an hour of skin to skin. He weighed 5 pounds 12 ounces. 19 inches long. I never ever knew how much love I could have for someone. He made me feel like I finally achieved something in life and that was giving him life. After he got weighed, my boyfriend held him for the first time. He thought he was going to break him. He was the smallest baby I ever held. I can't believe he is now almost 5 months old. I absolutely love my little guy. But there's my birth story. I wanted it so I can look back at this in a year so I can remember this sweet boy when he's being bad and getting in all of my things! But here is my little William Dallas💙
Before I went to the hospital 
First 10 minutes of life and seeing baby for the first time ❤
Being exhausted and looking like death😂
Getting weighed for the first time!
Daddy holding Dallas for the first time!
One week old 
4 months old and such a ham😩😁