December 11th 2016 ✨


I went in because it was snowing, the hospital is an hour away. Also the baby wasn't moving as much, but no strong consistent contractions. I spoke to my midwife, I told her I didn't want an epidural or any pain medication, no episiotomy, do not break my water, & I will not do a c-section unless the baby is in distress or I am in any danger in case I do have the baby that night. I wanted to do skin to skin immediately after birth, delayed cord clamping & etc. My midwife is just like me she basically read my mind with everything I wanted, she's a hippy lady like myself😊😂 I was having contractions about ten minutes after she checked me at 1:30 AM I was 3cm & at 2:00AM I was 7cm😂 They were coming around every three minutes, lasting a minute each. Honestly I was about to go home because I thought I was fine thankfully I let them check me before leaving. They prepared my room, I was in by 2:20ish & then my contactions became stronger. My first labor wasn't as painful in my opinion. I took all my clothes off because I was so hot; I didn't want anything touching my body & was laboring in standing for about ten minutes & then I saw some liquid leak out... which I thought was my water. Then I switched to a tall kneeling position with my arms resting on the head board of the bed, my midwife was with me the entire time. I was watching the clock because I was like good god I'm dying😂😂 also I'm an analytical freak. Between my minute apart contractions I was drinking water & eating ice chips. Around 3AM I asked my midwife to check how far from crowing the baby was, she checked & told me 2 cm about a knuckles distance. Then all of a sudden I had fetal ejection reflex & I told my midwife my body is pushing. I didn't push once, my body just took over. With the first push her head came out & my water broke simultaneously. Then with the second push the rest of her body came out & more water followed. My body pushed for about two minutes total. Surprise, surprise that what I thought was my water was just bloody show. My midwife caught my daughter & then I was able to grab her from under me & hold her for two hours before they took her to do all the measurements. She was born at 3:07AM☺️ 7lb 8.8oz 19 inches long. It was very pleasant hour and a half labor, painful but pleasant. Lol. I did not tear, & felt like I could run an marathon😊

My first labor was four hours, it was also super fast, unmediated & without any medical intervention.