my husband blames me.. (sigh)

Cynthia 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 • Mommy of 3. 💕💙
So our little one who is 6 months. Is crawling and exploring. I try to be after hern24/7 but when I'm not looking. Bump. Then another bump. Other times she's up all night and I accidently fall asleep and she falls of the bed. We have a bassinet but she knows how to climb off. It's like a routine her bumping her head. I cried today bc I am a bad mom for letting this happen. And yesterday my husband said all I do Is let her fall off the bed. He said he was kidding but I know he meant it. I'm a stay at home mom and I'm starting to regret it. I'm also a full time student trying to finish my bachelors. I honestly feel terrible. Any advice?