Surprise induction πŸ’•πŸ’™πŸ’•πŸ’™

Went into L&D lastnight, at 39 weeks, with some watery discharge just making sure it wasn't my waters. It wasn't, but they told me baby was being weird and realized my blood pressure was way way high. After about an hour in triage and 9 blood pressures later they told me they were inducing me. They brought me into the room and prepped me, warning me that it'd probably take awhile since I was barely 1cm, 50%effaced and baby was not engaged at all. They inserted a smal pill into my cervix to ripen it to 1cm, and said they'd check me in 4 hours to give me another dose. Well an hour later contractions started and they were 3 min apart. They hurt but no unbearable. I got some pain meds that made me feel great but didn't do anything for the contractions. After 4 hours they checked me and I was completely 1cm, 80% effaced and baby was engaged so they decided to start the balloon dilation. She sweeped my membranes while checking me and I went to the bathroom, where I lost my mucus plug and had a bloody show. I began to have gushes of blood but they told me it was normal with how fast I was dilating and her sweeping me. She inserted the balloons and immediately the cramps and contractions started. They told me they'd get better and it was just because of inserting the balloon but they didn't. They were 3 min apart and unbearable. I was only 2 cm dilated but completely effaced and baby was completely engaged. The pain meds made me so drowsy. I got an epidural so I could try to sleep. It worked great and I slept about an hour before she came in to check me again. I was 6cm and the balloons were removed. She broke my waters and they started me on picotin. I started the process at 10:30 pm and this was at 5:30am. By 9 am I was 7cm and my baby was right there. By 11 am I was ready to push. They realized he was head up, so the nurse was worried if be pushing for hours. She told me to do some practice pushes. 2 rounds of pushing later my baby startin to crown and Doctor was getting ready. On the fourth round they told me to stop mid oush because he almost shot out of me. Doctor came in and one more big push out he came. The doctor said I pushed too fast on the last one and he turned all crazy almost getting wrapped in the cord, but was ok. Have a second degree tear but he's here. My little prince weighting 6lbs 8oz, 19 inΒ long. The greatest experience of my life πŸ’™