Kasen Alexander ❣️❣️ (long story)

For the past 3 weeks I've had issues with my blood pressure. My dr didn't want to prescribe medication she just wanted to monitor more closely. I had concerns because he was not moving as normal and he started failing his tests. my doctor gave me info that she would induce at 38w but at my 37w appointment she still would not set a date. I had my usual nst and ob appointment on 2/6/17. My bp was high and wouldn't go down so I was sent to the hospital where they did pih labs and some of my blood work came back elevated and my bp was still high the on call dr sent me home and told me to follow up at my next appointment. I didn't feel right with their resolution so the next day I came to a different hospital and my bp had skyrocketed and wouldn't go down. so this hospital decided to induce me. This hospital had issues with getting my records because my previous drs office would not cooperate, they finally sent them over and the hospital started my induction. They inserted a Foley catheter into my cervix on 2/7/17 @ 7pm and I was dilated to 4cm by 9pm. The following morning 2/8/17 @645am they started pitocin, the contractions weren't that bad and I dilated to a 5. The midwife broke my water around 9am, upped the pitocin and that's when the contractions got bad. My bp again got too high and they started me on magnesium and had to place a catheter because I couldn't get up due to my bp. Let me tell you magnesium is a horrible drug I was shaking and vomited well over 10 times but the catheter wasn't that bad. Because I had a fear of a csection and the pain became too much I got an epidural. The epi caused me to relax and my bp stabilized and I continued laboring from there. The nurses had to come in periodically because the monitor was not picking up his heartrate like it was supposed to and I was moved to another room, they inserted an internal monitor and finally got the stable heartrate. Around 5pm I was dilated to a 7. They had me turn left and right to get him to come down further. 8pm came and I was finally at 10cm,and felt the serious urge to push. Pushing was not at all bad and the nurses said I was doing amazing being a ftm. I did 3 practice pushes and then pushed for about 20 minutes. Kasen was born with the cord wrapped around his neck once and he had excess fluid in his lungs so he had to be placed on oxygen. They didn't know if it was because of the mag I was on or issues with my blood pressure. Kasen was transported to a chkd where they could monitor him more. Before he left he was only on 20% oxygen so he is definetly getting better. He was born on 2/8/17 @8:57pm 6lbs3oz and 19 inches long. I did not tear(surprisingly)and I am hoping I get discharged on Friday so I can go bond with my baby. I am really glad I trusted my gut and got a second opinion, I can't help but to think what would have happened if my dr would have been more proactive with the concerns I was expressing or if I didn't trust my gut and get a second opinion but I know God has my baby in his hands and he will be ok.