It's Baby Day!!!!

Brittney • Mama of 2 girls with baby number 3 on the way (hoping for a boy!!)
So I had my 39 week checkup today. All was good, my blood pressure was initially 120/80. Then when I walked to give my urine sample and went into the ultrasound room my blood pressure jumped up to 150/90. The doctor came in and rechecked my blood pressure again and it was up to 160/97... I'm 1.5cm dilated, 70% effaced, and at a -3. So I was sent to the hospital for induction!!! I can't believe today is the day! My due date was Monday the 13th! I get to meet my baby girl soon!!!
*Update: I have my catheter placed, but no meds yet. Apparently having some contractions. Just waiting to see what kind of meds they're going to give me. Oh, and bloodwork shows that I might be borderline preeclampsia, but not confirmed. Oh boy! I'm ready to get started! Lol. 
*Another update: been here for 6 hours... no progression. Lame!
*And yet another update: No change at all. They changed from pitocin to cervidil at 11. Been sleeping since then. No contractions or anything. Still confused as to why they induced me instead of monitored my bp. Our baby girl is nice and snug in there. Wishing I was sleeping at home because this bed is TERRIBLE. This is going to take a while. 
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Good luck!!! How exciting! My due date is Monday too- I'm so jealous!!!


Brittney • Feb 10, 2017
Thanks! It's taking a little bit of time. Lol. She probably won't be here until the wee hours of tomorrow morning.