early labor or increased movement?

Help! I am almost 37 weeks pregnant and I had my first born at 38 weeks 2 days. Last night I had period type cramping that lasted for about 30 min consistently but went away. I looked into getting menstruatal cramps and it said it was probably contractions. Fast forward to this evening and for the past 4 hours or so it's like my baby is losing her marbles inside my tummy. Just insane amounts of movement and she's always been very active but I would argue she's 2-3x as active right now.  It's at the point where I am almost concerned because, along with the movement, I'm having those period type cramps again. Is this normal/ is anybody else experiencing this? I'm debating calling the doctor and I think I may be overreacting to do so. But the pain from her moving is just unreal right now.