Baby blues or something more?

My daughter came 2 weeks early this past weekend (2/4) and ever since we've come home, it seems like I can't stop crying. I feel so disconnected/numb sometimes and other times I feel so overwhelmed with how much I love my baby, my eldest daughter, and my husband. Tonight is a "feeling numb/sad/guilty" night and the worst one yet. 
Is anyone else feeling this way? Mom assures me it'll pass but I never felt this way with my first. I feel like my new daughter's birth is what started it. She came early and the labor was sudden, fast, and intensely painful (took 1.5 hrs to go from 4-10cm and 5 min of pushing). The complete opposite of my first.
 I didn't know if my water had broken so we went to get checked. I said goodbye to my daughter like I do every day before work. I didn't know we'd be staying or that her sister would be born not even before the end of the night. When she came to visit the next day, everything felt weird and disconnected. I feel like there's a fog over everything and I'm just going through the motions. I panic when my husband isn't around and I feel less confident about taking care of my new daughter than I ever did with my first. Tonight when the sun went down I just got so anxious and started bawling for hours. 
Any advice/insight? I've already decided that if I don't feel any better by Monday I'm calling my doctor.