do I sound pregnant?

My period is due the 22nd so it's way to early to test I know but we had sex and he finished inside me on the 31st and the 5th. Now I've just kinda got this gut feeling I'm pregnant. I'm thirsty 24/7, I can't sleep (it's a little weird my boyfriend works overnights so we go to bed at like seven or eight and his alarm goes off at 12:30 sometimes I can sleep a little before the alarm but not often and I take prescription meds for insomnia already and then I lay awake till five or six after he leaves before sleeping an hour or two before leaving for class or work), I'm super sensitive to smells like everything is making me sick, I want to drink nothing but orange juice, I feel carsick on the public bus every morning and that has never happened, my back and neck hurt all the time, I've had a headache for a week (I get crazy bad migraines but this isn't one), I've got that kinda cry at hallmark commercials and yell at slow people who take up the whole sidewalk period brain going on, I've been super contipated which is weird, I've been having cramps too. 
There's been no implantation bleeding and I'm super impatient. Like I don't want to wait two weeks. I'd like to know now. But I don't think that's an option. ((But high key I should find an ob-gym especially if I am expecting))
But does it sound like I'm crazy or what? Also my boyfriend says my nose looks a bit wider which is a thing is you ask my friend and her super old world mom. If I can blood test does anyone know where?