Feeling Low

Hi all,
Please help! I need inspiration or something...
My husband and I have been TTC for almost 3 years now.  At first we didn't really try to time things properly or anything, just wanted to have it happen.  Well that didn't work...tried timing it and then gave up on that and just took a break for a bit.  Well during that time I got pregnant and we were so happy!!! Then of all days, my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, we had a miscarriage.  It crushed us!  We waiting a bit because that's what we were told to do by a friend and we started trying about 2-3 months after the miscarriage.  Now it's been a year and 3 months and still nothing.  I'm on 100mg of clomid now and the first two rounds of 50mg of clomid did not work, grated my husband also go hurt at work so trying kinda didn't happen all the time cause he couldn't.  But this time we tried every possible time!!! I don't know what's next for us if this doesn't work.  We do not have  thousands of dollars to do the whole <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> or anything so I'm worried that my dream of being a mom like my mom was to us will never happen.  I lost my mom when I was just 16 and more and more everyday I wish my mom was still around to ask her all these questions I have.  I love my dad but he just does not remember.
I'm sorry for the rant and sob story.  Just need someone else to talk to sometimes.
Wish you all the best in wherever you are in your journey!