implantation spotting

Okay ladies.. now let's get in formation lol no I'm kidding 😂😂 last night I put a pad on because I thought Af was coming. This morning I went to go to the potty and nothing was on the pad at all... waited and waited and something told me to go check.. pulled my pants down and bam I see this reddish brownish spot on the pad. Went to go pee again and nothing but loads of Creamy cervical mucus. Im normally dry this close to my period. I'm 11 dpo and Af is due on Valentine's Day. I had sex everyday within my fertile window and a little after ovulation as well. Pelvic pain right now but no blood and I never spot before AF. And a little bit before I went to go check the pad I had a twingy feeling in my right ovary. Ever since ovulation and a little before I've been having right ovary pain almost everyday! Implantation? Test tomorrow btw.