Just need to get this off my chest

I've gone through 4 miscarriages in less than a year!I'm terrified of getting pregnant again bc in my heart I know I will miscarry!for some reason I can't make it past 4 and a half weeks.....the lines get darker,the digital says positive....I don't know what's going on? Hoping to talk to someone this week so I can finally get some answers. ...

I have 2 kids with my last marriage so I don't understand why I can't stay pregnant. ...

My heart is breaking!I just want my husband to be a father to his own flesh and blood!he's an amazing father to my kids but I want him to have his own

Sorry for ranting on,just had to get that out

First pic from May 2016,second one is from a few days ago (I lost the baby the same day I took that test)

Both times I started bleeding 6 days after finding out I was pregnant

The second miscarriage happened 2 days after I tested positive

The third miscarriage I only got faint lines and was 15 days late (which I never am)